4c1e08f8e7 b00c3e1e624add015d45ee06d9973c6180b0ec8b 4.14 MiB (4343078 Bytes) AdiIRC (AKA All Day I IRC) is a free IRC (Internet Relay Chat) developed by Per Amundsen, if you know mIRC, HexChat, XChat then you know what this is about. In short, AdiIRC is lightweight, fully p 20 Mar 2015 . 00:11, -!-, ChoiKyuSang [Valkyrie0001f7cf.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: AdiIRC is updating to v1.9.6 Beta Build (2015/03/19-2) 32 Bit].. AdiIRC stores all its settings in text files, this way you can grab the adiirc folder and put in on a usb device or external harddrive. Take all your settings and.. 201541 . AdiIRC v1.9.6 IRCIRC .,.. [03:44:50] *** Quits: Pereba (UserNick191.250.237.234) (Quit: AdiIRC is updating to v1.9.6 Beta Build (2015/03/10) 64 Bit) [03:45:20] *** Joins: Pereba.. 201541 . AdiIRC v1.9.6 IRCIRC .,.. 7 May 2015 . Download AdiIRC v1.9.6 torrent or any other torrent from the Applications Windows. Direct download via magnet link.. 31 Dec 2014 . GeekDudeunaffiliated/g33kdude QUIT :Quit: AdiIRC is updating to v1.9.6 Beta Build (2014/12/30) 32 Bit < 1419996569 839060 :GeekDude!. 2012517 . : 05-17EventReader v2 04-01AdiIRC v1.9.6 IRC. : QQ.. 3. 9.6 1o. . par lo.aec. . 71. t non n fi idoneus repertus adimirc, Patronus ergo appellat, quia cret Epicopum . S R I . 1 / /? ota, pluri per exa ad v , 2 mn.scuro t, icu v1.us accipit.. Serato DJ software is one of the world's most loved DJ applications and Serato v1.9.6 comes crammed full of performance enhancements and improvements.. Universal USB Installer is a tool that creates Live Linux USB installations that can be booted. It lets you choose from a selection of Linux Distributions to put on a.. Applications (Windows). AdiIRC v1.9.6 Magnet link This torrent has 1 comments. Uploaded 05-07 2015, Size 4.14 MiB, ULed by pereba, 0, 0.. 2018313 . CurrPorts()v1.97 . V3.0 AdiIRC v1.9.6 IRC.. 14 Sep 2018 . AdiIRC is an IRC client with multi-server support and a customizable . v1.9.6. CornHolio the Gringo 2015-03-31 20:49. This IRC soft got all ya.. AdiIRC 2.7 released! The most . AdiIRC 2.6 released! Continuous . [update]AdiIRC v1.9.6 lots of changes (improvements) since this project begin.. 10, 6, angelovee94, 9.6. 11:08. 11, 5, Phaedrus . mIRCStats v1.25 Mikko "Ave" Auvinen.. Download old versions of AdiIRC. . AdiIRC. Chat with other people via this simple IRC client . Free v1.9.6 1.26MB. AdiIRC Free v1.9.5 1.15MB. AdiIRC.. 19 May 2016 . AdiIRC is an IRC client that lets you chat over thousands of chat channels that exist on the network. If you're familiar with these kinds of.. 30 Jun 2015 . I'm going to show you how to install both HexChat & AdiIRC, this is just . Installing AdiIRC v1.9.6 - Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 users (Both 32.. : AdiIRC. . AdiIRC. IRC(Internet Relay Chat) . v1.9.6 1.26MB. AdiIRC.
Updated: Mar 1, 2020